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The doctors at Tata Main Hospital are here to cater to all your needs based on their specialties.

Tata Main Hospital (TMH), the Medical Division of Tata Steel and its six clinics at Jamshedpur provide curative healthcare services to the employees of Tata Steel and their families. Apart from TMH and the clinics at Jamshedpur, hospitals are also located at Jamadoba, Noamundi, Sukinda and West Bokaro for catering to employee healthcare at the Raw Materials locations. TMH also extends its facilities to non-Tata Steel patients from Jamshedpur and its surrounding areas.
TMH was established in 1908, soon after Tata Steel was born in 1907. It is an 983-bedded, secondary care hospital equipped with modern facilities. There are two super clinics (Sakchi and Baridih) and four clinics (South Park, Kadma, Sonari and Sidhgora) located across Jamshedpur that form the peripheral centres and provide primary level healthcare. TMH also doubles as a teaching institute with DNB courses offered in a number of specialties.
TMH provides curative healthcare through outpatient, inpatient and round-the-clock emergency services. Diagnostic services include Pathology, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. Advanced diagnostic services like CT and MRI scans are available in TMH and also at the closely-located Meherbai Tata Memorial Hospital (MTMH). In addition to general wards, TMH offers intensive care to its patients through Critical Care Unit (CCU), Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Burns Care Unit (BCU), Intermediate Medical Care Unit (IMCU) and High Dependency Unit (HDU). There are nine operation theatres for surgical specialties.
TMH also provides super speciality services in Cardiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nephrology, Urology, Paediatric Surgery and Gastroenterology.