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The doctors at Tata Main Hospital are here to cater to all your needs based on their specialties.

Chief Medical Indoor Services
Dr Vinita Singh
Designation: Chief Consultant & CMIS
MD ( Obs-Gyn), MRCOG (UK), FRCOG (LONDON) Diploma in advanced daycare endoscopic surgery in 2013.
MRCOG PART 1, 1994 (UK)
MRCOG PART 2, 1997 (UK)
FRCOG ,London in 2010
Diploma - Advanced Daycare Endoscopic Surgeries,2013
WORKED IN England, Specialist Registrar
WORKED IN England, Locum Registrar
Joined Tata Main Hospital 2007 and working till date
Chief Medical Support Services
Dr Mamta Rath Dutta
Designation: Chief Consultant & Head of the department ( O&G)
MD, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
FICOG (Fellow of Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
FMAS ( Fellow of Minimal Access Surgeons of India)
Head Administration
Dr Chirantan Bose
Designation: Head Administration
MBA (BIT, Mesra)