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The doctors at Tata Main Hospital are here to cater to all your needs based on their specialties.

Tata Main Hospital (TMH), since its inception in 1908, has dedicated itself to the service of Tata Steel employees, their families and the citizenry of Jamshedpur and peripheral locations. It was inspired by the vision of our founding fathers, and their steadfast goal of employee welfare. Started with our founder’s vision to ensure health and welfare of all his employees, the Tata Main Hospital has evolved from humble beginnings out of a hutment to a modern hospital with 983 beds, 9 super-specialities, and 18 specialities.
With its diverse super-specialties and specialty services, not only patients from in and around Jamshedpur, but thousands of patients from all adjoining states continue reposing their trust and faith in our team comprising of over 2600 trained personnel including over 350 doctors, 700 nurses and 150 paramedics, technicians &pharmacists. We strive to continuously evolve and meet the expectations of the community by working towards improvements in facilities and services. Managing nearly 16 lakh OPD patients and over 60 thousand admissions annually, TMH is one of the biggest and busiest hospitals in this part of the country.
Our Quality Journey has lead TMHto be certified to ISO 9001:2015, NABH Progressive level accreditation and NABL certification for our Pathology labs. We will continue to work towards patient centric healthcare to maintain our position as one of leading healthcare facilities in this part of the country.
Faced with the global onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, TMH prepared itself by augmenting its core capabilities and hospital preparedness by bringing in synergy in logistics management,capacity building and agility in responding to the evolving clinical knowledge.Today, TMH has one of the highest COVID Care beds in a private tertiary care hospital in the country. Our dedicated team of healthcare personnel have shown exemplary courage and compassion in caring for those impacted by this SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Our resilience and determination will overcome the challenge and adversities. We would continue with our journey of continuous endeavour to achieve greater heights with renewed vigour.
GM Medical Services, Air Vice Marshal (Dr.) Sudhir Rai