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The doctors at Tata Main Hospital are here to cater to all your needs based on their specialties.

TMH was established in 1908 and has been a teaching hospital for years and was linked for clinical education and Internship and Housemanship with the local MGM Medical College for decades. The School of Nursing began under its aegis in 1939.
Various technical courses, such as DMRS and DMLT are conducted here. It was only logical that Post Graduate education should be started too. Thus, the DNB programme at TMH began more than fifteen years ago. From initial five specialties of Anaesthesiology, General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics it is now offering 9 specialties and Fellowship in Critical Care Medicine.
We believe that our DNB Candidates are adult learners and we will provide clinical teaching and direct supervision to help them achieve clinical competency. This learning experience is also a service experience. The DNB Candidates learn though providing responsible and compassionate care to their patients.
An Academic Cell was established to network with similar educational institutions, give a focused approach to adult education and facilitate the same at Tata Main Hospital.
In the 70s and 80s post graduate diploma courses in Obstetrics and Gynecology (DGO), paediatrics (DCH) and Radio-therapy (DMRT) were offered in TMH, affiliated to Ranchi University.
For many decades the Interns from MGM Medical College Jamshedpur were sent to this institution for completing their Internship and Horsemanship. Since a few years this has discontinued, but Medical Council of India has listed TMH as a Centre offering Compulsory Rotating Internship Training Programme. The selected candidates purse their Internship at TMH on acceptance by their medical college requesting their Internship. On successful completion, the doctors are given completion certificate by TMH.
Many students from Universities and Colleges apply to the Academic Cell for enrollment as part of their non-remunerative Summer Internship programme.
The DMRD is a 2 year Programme which was started in the Department of Radio-diagnosis TMH over 3 decades ago in collaboration with MGM Medical College & Hospital Jamshedpur. Every year in July, two candidates, one from State and another from Centre, are sent to the department for pursuing their course.
On completion, the qualifying examination is conducted in-house and viva voce is held by faculties from TMH, home State and another State.
Tata Main Hospital is recognized by Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) as a learning centre since 2009 to provide training and coaching with respect to distance education programs i.e. Diploma & Bachelor Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) & (B. Sc. MLT) in the Department of Pathology and Diploma in Imaging Technology (DMIT). Department of Pathology TMH is an NABL accreditated Laboratory. Till date the candidates passing out have got good job placements.
This is a well-designed study programme as per the syllabus provided by SMU including the theory & practical exposure. The students are given adequate exposure to the laboratory work in a systematic manner maintaining high quality standards, so that after the qualification these technologists can be suitably employed in a laboratory set-up assisting the Pathologist.
The Nursing School was started on the premises of Tata Main Hospital in 1939 with an annual intake of 40 nursing students for the three-year General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) Nursing programme. This GNM programme is affiliated to the Indian Nursing Council.
The existing nursing school is under consideration for upgrading to a Nursing College and will offer B. Sc Nursing. The annual intake will be for 60 nursing students. The students will be given a graduate degree as against the earlier Diploma. Above all the local health sector will benefit from this too.
(I) Skilled birth attendant
This one-month capsule hands-on training was started in collaboration with the Jharkhand State Health services and the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Paediatrics TMH two years ago at TMH. Every year two batches are selected for this course. The health care workers opting for the course are ANMx, Shiyas and nurses. On completion the successful candidates are given a certificate.
(II) Basic emergency obstetric care
This programme was started two years ago in partnership between the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and NRHM & UNICEF. Four batches attend this programme with each batch consists of four government doctors. The components of training address the MDG Goal on Maternity and focus on imparting the latest programme a certificate is issued. Till date 10 groups have completed their training.
Since 2009 fifty dressers working in Tata Main Hospital undergo a weekly in-house training session. Once in a quarter hands-on global training programme is held to brush up their knowledge on certain procedures and interventions. They undertake examinations every year.
The operating OT technicians undergo in-house training with emphasis on OT anaesthesia equipment and OT practices on a regular basis to update their knowledge. Once a year technicians and nurses who are involved in endoscopy procedures are sent for out location training in ERCP and Endoscopy imparted by procedure Olympus at Olympus at Kolkata. They are specifically given training how to sterilize instruments after each procedure and maintain its quality for optimum function.
Critical Care Unit is recognized for Diploma in Critical Care offered by the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine. This one year training course in critical care for doctors who are post graduates (MD/MS) in various disciplines is being conducted since 2003. The Course is conducted under the supervision of Dr D P Samaddar who is a fellow of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine.