Services provided by the Department : Section wise
- 24x7 hours emergency lab service with a wide panel of testing facilities.
- Single point contact - Lab front desk and accounts counter for ease of payment transactions for the non entitled.
- Blood sample collection of OPD patients from 7 AM– 9.30 PM on week days & 9AM – 2 PM on Sunday.
- Departmental routine reports are made available the same day through HMS (Hospital Management System) and through Tata Steel Intranet.
Biochemistry -
- Routine biochemical tests along with HbA1c, Procalcitonin,
- Immunoassay by CLIA - Thyroid profile, Thyroglobulin, TPO Antibody, βHCG, Tumor markers- CA125, CA19.9, CEA, AFP, PSA, Vitamin D , Vitamin B12, Ferritin, Folate.
Hematology & Clinical Pathology –
- Routine haematological Tests: Complete blood parameter, Peripheral smear examination, Malaria parasite detection, platelet counting, Reticulocyte count, Blood grouping, Sickling test, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate estimation, Direct and indirect Coomb Testing
- Special tests- Coagulation profile: PT, aPTT, Fibrinogen, D-dimer, Thrombin time & Mixing studies , bone marrow aspiration and interpretation, including trephine biopsy, Special stains- MPO, PAS, Perl stain
- Hemoglobin electrophoresis for haemoglobinopathies.
- Urine & Stool – Routine & Deposit and Semen analysis.
Cytology & Histopathology –
- Fine needle aspiration Cytology, Exfoliative cytology, PAP smear examination and tissue biopsies including large Onco resection specimens (both routine and special stains): H&E, PAP, MGG, PAS, PAS-D, Reticulin, MAT etc.
- Facility of intraoperative frozen biopsy (The only one available in & around Jamshedpur), facilitating intraoperative decision especially in Cancer patients.
- Immunohistochemistry panel routinely done for breast malignancies- ER PR Her2 Ki67 and few general markers.
- We receive samples / slides / paraffin blocks for special tests & review as part of the referral policy.
- Synoptic reporting done following international reporting protocol e.g. CAP.
Microbiology & Virology -
- Automated bacterial culture and sensitivity for Blood and body fluids.
- Manual bacterial culture for Urine, pus, body fluid and respiratory samples.
- TB and fungal culture.
- Staining- Gram staining, Methylene blue staining, ZN staining for AFB, KOH for fungal, slit skin smear for Lepra bacilli.
- ELISA for different infectious and autoimmune disease like- HIV, HCV, HBV, HEV, HAV, ANA, Anti Ds- DNA, Anti CCP, Dengue IgM & Scrub Typhus.
- Rapid card test for Dengue, ASO, RA, Chikungunya, PPR for Syphilis, WIDAL, Urinary Beta HCG.
- RTPCR for HIV, COVID-19 (ICMR approved laboratory) and Mucormycosis.
- Card based test to detect Galactomannan Antigen, an indicator for invasive Aspergillosis.
- Rapid Antigen test for COVID-19.
- Trunat testing – For Covid 19 & Gene Xpert – for detection of Tuberculosis in sputum, pus & Fluids.
Specialized equipment in the department -
- Fully Automated Biochemistry Analysers - AU 400 & AU640 Beckman Coulter, with precision, accuracy, delta check, online data transfer and a high through put.
- Fully Automated Chemiluminescence - Access 2, Beckman Coulter- Special analyzer for hormonal assays, Antibody against SARS COVID-19 & various Tumor markers.
- Two Fully Automated 5 part differential Hematology analyzers - Beckman Coulter DxH. Offering high degree of precision, accuracy with high throughput & online data transfer, based on MAPS technology.
- ESR by Vesmatic 20 automated analyser based on digital sensing by Opto- electronic unit.
- Fully Automated blood culture system (BacT/ Alert 3D from Biomeriuex - For Aerobic, Anaerobic , fungal and T. B cultures , facilitating early detection.
- VITEK® 2 Compact, automated ID/AST instrument- from biomerieux diagnostics for sensitivity testing with MIC values.
- Rotor Gene Q PCR system:- Open RTPCR/PCR system from Qiagen.
- Qiacube HT:- Automated RNA/DNA extraction system for 96 sample at a time, based on spin column technology.
- Automated PCR master mix preparation instrument from Qiagen
- Biorad CFX384 Real-Time PCR System
- Kingfisher K Flex Automated Nucleic Acid extraction system from Thermofisher with throughput of 96 samples, based on magnetic separation technique.
- Fully Automated Coagulation Analyzer - CA 550 from Sysmax.
- Fully Automated Capillary Electrophoresis - from Trivitron, for Hb & Protein electrophoresis.
- Fully automated Urine analyser, Durai - For Routine 12 Parameters & Microscopy.
- Automated antigen retrieval system – BioGenex EZRetriever V.3 (microwave based)
Proficiency Testing Program in the department -
- EQAP in Hematology - with AIIMS , New Delhi
- EQAS in Coagulation : with CMC Vellore
- EQAS in Biochemistry - with CMC Vellore
- EQAS in Immunochemistry - with Bio Rad
- EQAS in Histopathology with NCG team TMC Mumbai.
- EQAS in Cytopathology with TMC, Mumbai
- EQAS in Microbiology with Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.
- EQAS and ILC for COVID RTPCR with NIV Pune and RIMS, Ranchi.