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Radiation Oncology is an oncology specialty where there is controlled use of radiation either to cure cancer or to relieve symptoms like pain, bleeding, or other symptoms of cancer. Radiation therapy is the treatment delivered by the Radiation Oncology team.
Tata Trusts’ entry into cancer care dates back to 1941 when the Tata Memorial Hospital opened in Mumbai as a “beacon of hope for the hopeless”. Department of radiotherapy is one of the oldest departments of Tata Main Hospital, dedicated for the treatment of Cancer patients since early eighties of the last century.
Meherbai Tata Memorial Hospital (MTMH), a cancer hospital at Jamshedpur was established in 1975 to cater to cancer patients of this region. It is named after Lady Meherbai Tata, wife of Sir Dorabji Jamshedji Tata. It is built on a plot of land gifted by Tata Steel near Tata Main Hospital. Inaugurated by J R D Tata, then Chairman, Tata Sons on February 4, 1975.
In 2009 the first linear accelerator (Synergy) was set up which runs till 2022. Newer and more advanced HDR brachytherapy unit (Gamma Med Plus) was installed in 2018.A second state of the art linear accelerator (True Beam) was contributed by the Tata Trusts which became functional in 2019 and presently all advanced radiation treatments are provided to the patients by the Radiation Oncology team.
MTMH is now equipped with Linear Accelerator (Varian Truebeam LINAC) providing Conventional, 3DCRT, IMRT, SBRT,SRS etc. for precision radiotherapy treatment. We also have the facility for HDR Brachytherapy (GammaMed plus iX).
Apart from radiotherapy, chemotherapy is practised, and the Tumour Board discusses the cases for advising line of management among the individual patient. There is Cancer detection Clinic (CDC). Pain & Palliative care Clinic advises pain management & supportive care to cancer patients.
Radiation Therapy Services