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The doctors at Tata Main Hospital are here to cater to all your needs based on their specialties.

Patients are admitted to TMH from different sources:
OPD - Doctors may advise for admission to the respective ward.
Casualty - Emergency patients are treated and/or admitted if required.
Labour room - Gynecological or Obstetric patients are treated and advised for admission.
TMH doctors directly admit patients from their private clinics also.
Patients are admitted to the concerned ward on the advice of the treating doctor. The ward is designated by the inquiry staff at the admission desk and entered in the case sheet. The categories mentioned as per the doctor’s advice include SIL (seriously ill) category, medico legal category or the IOW/IOD/ex gratia category. Visitor’s Pass is issued at the time of admission.
A minimum deposit amount is advised by the admission desk staff to be deposited at the accounts cash counter. This amount varies depending upon the area/ward in which patient is being admitted.
When patients are discharged from the respective wards the discharge paper is prepared in the ward and handed over to the patient. This process takes approximately 3 hours from verbal instruction of discharge to hand over of discharge paper.
In paying cases discharge is handed over to the party of the patient in ward after hospital dues are settled in accounts cash counter.