In Patient (Intensive Care Unit & General Ward)
- 22 bedded Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (Cathlab Ward) that includes 2 private suits. All the beds in this ward are well-equipped with state-of-the-art monitors and provision to connect to ventilators. This ward is also equipped with advanced high-end ventilators, Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumps, high-end defibrillators, portable dedicated 2D echocardiography machine, high-end 16 channel ECG machine, Pacemaker programmer etc.
- 25 beds in male general ward and 20 beds in female general ward are dedicated to Cardiology patients.
- 24 x 7 hours patient care is provided by trained doctors, nurses, technicians, and support staff.
The Cath Lab OT consists of 2 operation theatres
- Main OT has advanced machine – For coronary procedures, non-coronary as well all electrophysiological cases.
- Small OT - primarily for device implantations like -Temporary & Permanent Pacemaker Implantations
- We perform all types of complex angioplasties, including angioplasty of heavily calcified lesions, dedicated bifurcation angioplasty, left main angioplasty, graft vessel angioplasty with distal protection filters, etc.

Our OT is also equipped with in-house facilities of
- FFR (Fractional flow reserve) Machine- It is diagnostic technique used in coronary catheterization. FFR measures pressure differences across a coronary artery stenosis and accurately determine the significance of lesion in borderline angiographic coronary artery lesion.
- Latest generation HD IVUS Machine (intravascular ultrasounds)- Intravascular ultrasound is a catheter-based invasive imaging modality that has become an essential adjunctive tool to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) over the past 20 years. Clinical applications of IVUS in PCI include assessment of lesion severity, characterizing plaque morphology, optimization of acute stent results and clarification of mechanisms of stent failure.
- Rotablator Machine for Rotational Atherectomy (RA) - RA is a therapy performed with a small rotating cutting burr which is used to open a severely calcified artery and make the way for stent to optimizing PCI result.

One of the highlights of our centre is that we exclusively use US FDA approved, top-of-the-line, highest quality medicated stents only.
Quantum of work done at our Cath lab
- Approx. 2000 coronary angiograms are being done every year
- Approx. 700 angioplasties are being done every year
- TMH Cath Lab is one of the esteemed centres in the eastern zone to have the equipment and expertise to carry out Electro Physiological Study for cardiac arrhythmias and to perform curative procedure of Radio Frequency Ablation (EPS and RFA).
Regular Workshop is being conducted at our place for specialized cases that includes to update our team
- Optical coherence tomography workshop
- CTO workshop
- Bundle branch pacing
- Intravascular lithotripsy workshop
Our facility is extended to the mines and colliery hospitals in the out locations through a ‘Hub and Spoke’ model of care.
Device Implantation
- Pacemaker implantation in TMH was started way back in the year 1982.
- Approximately 150 permanent pacemakers are implanted per year and the patients are regularly followed up in a Pacemaker Clinic that is conducted on every Wednesday in OPD room number 251.
- All types of pacemakers are implanted. Higher devices like, AICD, CRTP, CRTD, physiological pacemaker > LBBB pacing are done regularly.
Out-door Services
OPD consultation
- Cardiology OPD is in first floor of the OPD complex in proximity to the entrance and the emergency room.
- It is functional from 9 AM to 10 PM from Monday to Friday and 9.00 am – 2 pm on Saturday with total footfall of approx. 700 patients per week.
Two qualified Echo Cardiographer performs Echo tests with Vivid 9 Echo machine under supervision of cardiologist. This machine also has the facilities of doing Trans-oesophageal, stress echocardiography, 3 D imaging as well strain imaging.
- In total we do more than 300 transthoracic echo and 5 transoesophageal echocardiograms per week. Other specialized echo tests have also been done on regular basis.
Other Non-Invasive tests available
- Tread Mill Test (6/day)
- 24-hour Ambulatory Holter Recording and
- Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring devices
- Head Up Tilt Test.
Both male and female technicians are available to perform these tests
- Other tests like Myocardial perfusion scan and PET are done in the Dept of Nuclear Medicine, CT Coronary angiogram is done in the MTMH (nearby building)
- All blood tests are done in the TMH NABL accredited Pathology laboratory near the OPD.
Community Services
- The doctors and staff nurses are keenly involved in providing patient education regarding preventive cardiology measures
- To raise public awareness about risk factors for heart attacks,
- Screening tests and
- Education about early action plan including CPR.
- Special Programs are conducted annually on the occasions of World Heart Day and World Hypertension Day