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The doctors at Tata Main Hospital are here to cater to all your needs based on their specialties.

The Department of Surgery is one of the oldest departments at Tata Main Hospital. With its dynamism many offshoots like Burns and Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Urology and Oncosurgery have grown and become full-fledged departments. The Surgery Department remains vibrant and offers surgical care with specialised and super-specialised facilities under one roof.
It offers a comprehensive treatment in all surgical illnesses including diagnosis and treatment of complex gastrointestinal diseases aided by the endoscopic and ERCP facility being present under the same roof. The Department of Surgery, TMH is the first centre in Jharkhand to start ERCP facility. Laparoscopic surgery was started in 1995 & advanced minimal access surgeries are being routinely performed in the department.
There is a vibrant DNB programme of the Department which stands proud with almost 100% results. To boost the teaching programme and keep the Department upgraded it takes keen interest in arranging CME lectures and conferences and invites national and international faculties to share their experience and expertise. The department organized a national level Clinical Update course for the DNB's for three consecutive years. Eminent teachers from outside & from the department take part in the academic activity three days every week.
Further plans include upgrading the existing facilities for minimal access surgeries, oncosurgery and also strengthen the existing specialties.
OPD OT is situated in the OPD complex and most of the daycare procedures under local anaesthesia are done here. The Endoscopy Clinic also operates from the OPD OT where on an average 12-15 upper and lower GI endoscopies are done per day, and they include diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. A state of the art “Endoscopy Suit” will soon be commissioned for all the endoscopy procedures. Special dressings and small surgeries from General Surgery, Dental, ENT and Skin Departments are carried out here. Urological services like flexible cystoscopy and uroflowmetry are also available.
The OPD OT functions throughout the OPD timings for patient convenience.
Surgery OPD in TMH- Room No 115-118
OPD Timings: 9 Am -2 Pm
4 Pm -6 Pm
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Courses Offered: