1. Mohanty B. Deep vein thrombosis: A rarecomplication of varicella zoster infection. Arch Gen Intern Med. 2017; 1 (2):1-2 Arch Gen Intern Med 2017 Volume 1 Issue.;2.
2. Mohanty B, Kumar B. Systemic lupuserythematosus camouflaging: As refractory acne in a young girl. Journal offamily medicine and primary care. 2019 Jan;8(1):276.
3. Mohanty B, Ansari MZ, Kumari P, Sunder A. Coldagglutinin-induced hemolytic anemia as the primary presentation in SLE-A casereport. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2019 May;8(5):1807.
4. Mohanty B,Sunder A, Pathak S. Clinicolaboratory profile of expanded dengue syndrome–Ourexperience in a teaching hospital. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care.2019 Mar;8(3):1022.
5. Mohanty B, Sunder A. Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia:A rare case. Indian Journal of Case Reports [Internet]. [cited10Dec.2019];5(5):438-40.
6. Bijaya Mohanty, Prediabetes Precursor to type 2diabetes, act today?Block the road to diabetes, PARIPEX?INDIAN JOURNAL OFRESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-3 | March-2018
7. Mohanty B, Mehta S, Ahmed A. Acute transversemyelitis: A rare presentation of dengue fever. Arch Gen Intern Med. 2018; 2(2): 23-26 Arch Gen Intern Med 2018 Volume 2 Issue. 2018;2.
8. Bijaya M, Harapriya M, Satish P. Say Goodbye,Conquering Hypoglycaemia in Diabetes. Integr J Glob Health. 2017;1:2.
9. Bijaya M, Pandey N, Prasad S. Right heartthrombi in transit (RHThIT)-A rare presentation of uterine leiomyosarcoma.
10. Mohanty B. LowerCardiovascular Risk with Diabetic Drugs: A Paradigm Shift from Glucocentricityto Cardio Protectiveness. Diabetes Case Rep. 2017;2(123):2.
11. Vijaya Bharat*, Bijaya Mohanty*BleedingComplication During Coumarin Therapy Due to Amiodarone and Azithromycin JAPI2000; 48 : 746-747
12. V Bharat, N K Das , Bijaya Mohanty , A C Jha : Reductionof mechanical heart valve thrombosis through a clinical audit , June 2003TheJournal of heart valve disease 12(3):362-9
13. Bharat V , Mohanty B, Das N K: Waiting timereduction in outpatient services – Analogy to heart failure Therapy, HealthAdministrator. 2001 Jul-Dec; 11-12(1-2): 30-
14. Bharat V , Mohanty B , Das N K: Living withmechanical heart valves – Improving patient safety through clinical audit: HealthAdministrator. 2001 Jul-Dec; Volume IX & X
15. Bharat V , Mohanty B , Acute Abdomen caused by Anticoagulants:A report of three cases , Indian Journal of Surgery Vol 62 No 6 2000
16. Mohanty Bijaya, Mehta Sameer, Prasad S K:Eventration of Diaphragm – A rare cause of pain Abdomen, Chronicle Journal ofClinical Case Reports
17. Ashok Sunder, Bijaya Mohanty, and Manoj KumarSahoo : Double-outlet left ventricle: A rare case, J Family Med Prim Care. 2019May; 8(5): 1769–1771
18. Ashok Sunder, Bijaya Mohanty, and Abha Singh:Kounis syndrome: A rare case: J Family Med Prim Care. 2020 May; 9(5): 2514–2516
19. Ashok Sunder, Bijaya Mohanty, Abha Singh, andPrabhakar Yadav: Rhabdomyolysis - Exercise induced nightmare, J Family Med PrimCare. 2019 Jan; 8(1): 305–307
20. Mohanty B, Sunder A. Lupus myocarditis-A rarecase. J Family Med Prim Care 2020;9:4441-3
21. Mohanty B, Sunder A. Lupus myocarditis-A rarecase. J Family Med Prim Care 2020;9:4441-3