Dr Farah Rana
MD, Pathology
Subject of Qualification
Academic qualification
Observership in Haemato-oncology Tata Medical Centre, Mumbai
NABL : Internal Auditor’s Course for 4 days
Area of interest
Surgical Oncopathology
Haemoglobinopathies- capillary electrophoresis
Previous Experience
SRL Jamshedpur- as Consultant Pathologist - (Jan 11 - Jan 12)
Brahmananda Narayana Hrudayalaya - as Junior Consultant (Apr 09 - Jan 10)
Bombay Hospital- as Senior Resident Medical Officer (Jul 08 - July 09)
Other details
Khan N, Rana F, Afroz N, Khan MA. Cytohistomorphological grading of breast carcinoma with special reference to apoptotic rates and lymph node metastasis. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2007 Jul;50(3):613-8
Nazoora Khan, Nishat Afroz, Farah Rana, and MA Khan. Role of cytologic grading in prognostication of invasive breast carcinoma. J Cytol. 2009 Apr-Jun; 26(2): 65–68
Sreedevi, M.Mishra, R.Mohanty, R.Narayan, F.Rana Extraocular sebaceous carcinoma of : a case report. volume 2, ISSUE IV, October- December 2015/ISSN 2394 -6784.
Sangita Kamath, Farah Rana and Ballamudi Srinivas Rao. Haemoglobin H disease: a disease lost in the crowd! International Journal of Current Medical and PharmaceuticalResearch.2016 Sep; Vol. 2, Issue, 9: 641-644.
Narayan R, Sreedevi J, Rana F, Mishra M, Mohanty R. Primary Pulmonary Primitive Neuro- Ectodermal Tumour (PNET) in an Eight- Year-Old Girl - Report of a Rare Case. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016; 10(11): ED01-ED02.
Kumari V, Kabiraj M, Narayan R, Mohanty R, Mishra M, Rana F. Leiomyomatosis Peritonealis Disseminata Mimics as a Metastatic Carcinoma: A Diagnostic Dilemma in Pregnancy. Indian Journal of Applied Research [Internet]. 2016 ;6(4):25-2
Sreedevi Jakka, Radhika Narayan, Minakshi Mishra, Farah Rana, J.K.Laik. Idiopathic Tumoral Calcinosis – Rare Clinico Pathological Entity: A Report of Two Cases, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Jun, Vol-11(6): ED06-ED07
Farah Rana
M Mishra
K Saha
Radhika Narayan
. Borderline serous ovarian neoplasm: case report of a diagnostic challenge in intraoperative frozen sections. Case Reports in Women’s health. July 2020;( 27) e00219
Bharti Sharma, Sushil Kumar Bajoria, Rohit Breh, Farah Rana. Astigmatic reduction after dermoid excision in a child with Goldenhar syndrome, Medical. Journal Armed Forces India,
Mishra M, Chaudhry R, Rana F, et al. (March 21, 2021) Serosurveillance of Health Care Workers in a COVID Hospital: Immune Response, and Its Longevity. Cureus 13(3): e14020. DOI 10.7759/cureus.14020
Ghosh M D, Datta M R, Singh V, et al. (March 13, 2021) Pregnancy and Childbirth: An Unexpected Cakewalk for a Mother With Beta Thalassemia Major Homozygous for IVS (G-C) Mutation. Cureus 13(3): e13872. DOI 10.7759/cureus.13872
Nag D, Mishra M, Chaudhry R, et al. (September 19, 2021) Results of Serosurveillance and Forecasting the Third Wave of COVID-19 in an Industrial District in India. Cureus 13(9): e18097. DOI 10.7759/cureus.18097
Kumar Upadhyay A, Prakash A, Rana F, et al. (July 09, 2021) A Rare Case of Chondrosarcoma With Metastasis to the Oral Cavity. Cureus 13(7): e16283. DOI 10.7759/cureus.16283
Narayan R, Rana F, Jakka S, Prasad A, Mishra M. Intestinal metastasis from carcinoma cervix: An (un)common occurrence in a common cancer.A series of five cases from a single institution. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2022;65:396-40
James J, Rao N, Rana F (September 20, 2022) Laparoscopic Excision of an Infected Urachal Sinus in a Teenager: A Rare Case Report With Histological Highlights. Cureus 14(9): e29371. DOI 10.7759/cureus.29371
Kamath SD, Rana F, Kumar K, Sunder A. An unusual case of Eosinophilic ascites with pleural effusion- A rare manifestation of Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis(EGE). Nijer Med J 2021; 62;(4): 208-211
Sangita Kamath,Tauheed Ahmed,Farah Rana
and Ajat Shatru Upadhyay.Rare case of ankylosing spondylitis complicated by IgA vasculitis. BMJ Case Reports 2022;15: e252182. doi;10.1136/bcr-2022-252182